Seeing a Pileaded woodpecker is not an event that can be orchestrated. Present (uncommonly) late in the year from late-August through to October, the location of a previous sighting is not a strong influencer for subsequent success. The presence of a swampy environment does auger well for success. Without doubt, the presence of a pond, or flooded woodland is definitely the “zone” for having a decent chance of seeing one. The Amos pond area and the lands sometimes flooded by Petticoat creek are a good location to spot one, but you might need to visit the site numerous times and sit and wait for a few hours. In this unbearable heat that scenario is a no-go! Early in the morning is also better. Listen for their calls. The one I saw was about 20 minutes and ¼ km from having first heard it. I had ear buds on so the call didn’t capture my attention, especially since blue jays are the source of the most racket around here. I’ve yet to get a good photo of one. The only time that I was close enough was when I only had a point-and-shoot camera with modest telephoto capabilities and a sensor far too small to support strong cropping. Perhaps one day I’ll get a chance to photograph one close enough for fine detail and within crop-worth range.