First Pilrated since spring
Outdoor Ontario

First Pilrated since spring


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I saw the first Pileated woodpecker since the spring here in west Pickering. Always striking how large it is after not seeing one for so long. First spotted only about a couple of meters off the ground but then it immediately flew to the tree tops. No camera with me since my dad's walker did not have the tote basket attached. Only observed a single bird. Thought I saw a migratory juvenile warbler in the woods adjacent to the street (connected to Rouge Park) but too fleeting a sighting to be certain. Mt guess is that it was a juvenile Magnolia. Have already seen juvenile vireo. Also spotted adult Cedar waxwings after spying a juvenile.


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I haven't seen any Pileateds for many years since I saw one in Guildwood Park. I know the area very well and hope to see it one day.


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 Seeing a Pileaded woodpecker is not an event that can be orchestrated. Present (uncommonly) late in the year from late-August through to October, the location of a previous sighting is not a strong influencer for subsequent success. The presence of a swampy environment does auger well for success. Without doubt, the presence of a pond, or flooded woodland is definitely the “zone” for having a decent chance of seeing one. The Amos pond area and the lands sometimes flooded by Petticoat creek are a good location to spot one, but you might need to visit the site numerous times and sit and wait for a few hours. In this unbearable heat that scenario is a no-go! Early in the morning is also better. Listen for their calls. The one I saw was about 20 minutes and ¼ km from having first heard it. I had ear buds on so the call didn’t capture my attention, especially since blue jays are the source of the most racket around here. I’ve yet to get a good photo of one. The only time that I was close enough was when I only had a point-and-shoot camera with modest telephoto capabilities and a sensor far too small to support strong cropping. Perhaps one day I’ll get a chance to photograph one close enough for fine detail and within crop-worth range.


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I saw a female Pileated today in Rouge Park on the Mast Trail. I heard it’s call while on the Vista trail and was lucky enough to find it later in the walk! Definitely listen out if you’re in the area. I first heard it on Saturday and came back to find it!