Aberrant-looking warbler
Outdoor Ontario

Aberrant-looking warbler


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I figured that this was a juvenile Palm warbler but then realized that I have not seen a Palm warbler at this stage of development for so long that I have forgotten its salient features. The prominent off-white around the eye is making me crazy.


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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/108953252@N02/
the key id feature for this warbler is the orange feet...making it a Blackpole


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Of course, orange feet, .... so obvious, .... well, I knew that! There are times when a word, a name, or a thing loses all meaning. This happens when you dwell on it too long. It also happens when I'm tired. Early onset dementia perhaps. Too many things crammed in my head and the impulse never makes it to consciousness until much later, as if neural mechanism connected by a very, very long extension chord. That's what makes a forum so grand. When the ol'bulb gets dim there are always bright lights to come to the rescue. Obviously, your light is not waning. What's your secret? Hey, I'm not yet completely imbecilic ... if you told me it wouldn't be a secret anymore. Even I get that concept.
Thanks for the edification. I just now noticed the streaking on the back, which is another Blackpoll trait.