Outdoor Ontario


Axeman · 7 · 1791


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I don't have a pic b/c it all happened so bird with white on the wings...there were 2 or 3..maybe 4....they were chasing something...I distinctly heard the call...and when I searched on my Audubon app....I come up with magpie....nothing else comes visually close and the call was spot on with the mobbing call of the magpie...and the behaviour fit....but this was in the Parry Sound area....McKellar to be exact.


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Could be Black-billed Magpies. Breeding in Ontario since the 70's has been in the extreme NW area but they move around quite a bit stealing whatever they can. Make sure you still have your car keys and wallet. Anyway, they have been spotted from time to time in more southern regions, or pretty much anywhere in the province. Too bad you didn't get any photos. I'll let it slide ... this time.


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See that's the thing....they have established breeding populations quite the distance away from Parry Sound....I'll be candid...I'm pretty sure about my ID....I knew they were out of place...they were striking...the calls were different...the flight...the wing cottage neighbour has lived in the area for 20 years and he's a hacker birder like me....I recounted the sighting asking him what he thought he had no idea and then the calls came and he said he'd never heard that before...I'm hoping there are more reports....I'd really like to be nice for a change....

As a an avid naturalist and avid hacker birder...I KNEW they were different...that's why they caught my eye.


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There's one record from Huntsville area from Jun 20, 1897. And there were few sightings, most likely of the same bird, in Toronto between 1981-1982.


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It's probably the same bird from Huntsville since that's closer....although I have to say it was pretty spry  ;D

Thanks -- I guess that means it's possible but I was hoping others in the area noticed it's a striking bird when it's not to be expected...whatever the bird was, that it was not a usual bird for the area is what caught my eye....


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I have seen magpies both in Edmonton and Manitoba. They are not secretive birds nor have any fear of humans, just the opposite, they tend to be attracted to homes, cities , anywhere where garbage or easy pickings are. They would be attracted to backyard feeders, gardens, cottages....making them more likely to be seen regularly by locals if they were around.  To have one passing thru would be very unusual this far south, as ones seen in Ontario are always close to Manitoba border area, but to have two would be questionable.  Guess best bet is to try to get a picture next time if possible


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Oh I agree....but the bird was striking for the area...nothing else like that around (I have seen black and white warblers at cottage)....and then there was the was spot on to magpie mobbing calls and in retrospect that matches their behaviour...they were fast moving...kind of leaping from branch / tree to branch / tree...following something....and I cannot come up with a comparable that makes more was much larger than a b/w warbler....had a blue jay shape to it....