If you already have a DSLR why do do need a new one? Is the old camera on its last legs? My old Canon 650D still works after eight years, although I would not be surprised if it crashes. I hope that it doesn't expire soon because buying a new camera is not really an option considering that I'm unable to hit the trail while still engaged as a caregiver. I am glad I have something to shoot out of the window with. I'm always gobsmacked by the amount of money that so many people seem to spend on photo equipment. Some of the new cameras are over three grand! A 500mm f4 lens runs anywhere between $6,000 - $10,000. I didn't spend that much on a car back in the day when I actually owned one. It's common for some people to have multiple DSLRs and then also purchase a mirrorless model.I live in a different world.