Booooooooooooooo (re: don't like cowbirds)....they're sacred in India

(And before anyone chastises me, I am licensed to make that joke....I'm Indian. Feel free to make it yourself and you can tell anyone who hassles you that I said it was OK.)
Cowbirds fascinates me....I just love watching nest parasitism play out....we used to have a dwarf blue spruce topiary in front of our house and every year a pair of chipping sparrows would nest in it...nad it was great b/c obviously with the size of topiary it was easy to observe....most years there'd be at least one Cowbird egg....and it was always funny watching the relatively huge fledglings hopping around with the parent slol....but it's amazing when you think about....most creatures have an evolutionary sense of did these birds get away from that?