Dear Abby,
I might get in trouble for this one...I firmly believe women rule the world and they do so not just because they're smarter and tougher but because despite their differences, they stick together....we men are not only dumb and weaker, we sell each other out in a heartbeat....women are one big union....I didn't realize though that the union extended beyond species lines...
Every year we have Turdus migratorious nests in a crab apple tree in front of our house...usually we spot them but sometimes we'll be surprised in the fall with the appearance of a nest we hadn't noticed....this spring is no different....but it's been a very busy spring for's the end of May and my Christmas stuff was all up until this past wife of course hasn't missed the opportunity to nag me about taking it down....and I can't seem to get her to understand the math.... I mean she's only going to nag me to put it back up in a few short months anyway....
Our front door sports some greenery with lighting along the frame...well didn't a female Turdus migratorious decide that the top of our doorway sheltered by the greenery was the perfect place to build a nest....I didn't notice until was too late....but divine intervention brought that first nest down and I thought whew....close wife saw the nest and immediately launched into "well that wouldn't have happened if you had taken the decorations down" and she's probably right b/c well we've never had a nest there I made a mental note....take down at the very least the greenery...
But BEFORE I could get to to it...the female nagged her mate to build another one...I mean it was only a week in between...sigh...and now she's laid a clutch....and every time I use the front door she squawks at me....and every time my wife uses the front door, both of them squawk at me.
Feeling Hen Pecked In Ayton