Outdoor Ontario


Ally · 3 · 768


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Saw him on neighbour's dead tree, and gone when I got the camera. I searched and searched because the small birds are still sounding alarm. Found him in the other neighbour's tree.

Not a very flattering angle for him.


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At least you managed to get close to it. Although I previously stated that I had not seen any species of hawk around these parts for quite some time that sad state of affairs has recently changed. There has been a juvenile RTH calling and appearing almost every day now, albeit at a considerable distance or just making a high pass over. Two days ago I heard and then saw a SSH in the woodlot. It briefly perched atop one of the many dead trees and I got a good look at it with the binoculars. It did not reappear yesterday, or if so not while I was outside. One or two TVs are circling most afternoons. Also saw a Red-eyed vireo in the woodlot (from the driveway) two consecutive days now. A few days ago I glimpsed a Cape May warbler and a Tennessee warbler in the woodlot. On each occasion a car came by just at that moment. Some other warbler-sized bird also appeared, too briefly to identify because a couple walking a dog came by and the dog just wouldn't shut-up. 


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At least you managed to get close to it. Although I previously stated that I had not seen any species of hawk around these parts for quite some time that sad state of affairs has recently changed. There has been a juvenile RTH calling and appearing almost every day now, albeit at a considerable distance or just making a high pass over. Two days ago I heard and then saw a SSH in the woodlot. It briefly perched atop one of the many dead trees and I got a good look at it with the binoculars. It did not reappear yesterday, or if so not while I was outside. One or two TVs are circling most afternoons. Also saw a Red-eyed vireo in the woodlot (from the driveway) two consecutive days now. A few days ago I glimpsed a Cape May warbler and a Tennessee warbler in the woodlot. On each occasion a car came by just at that moment. Some other warbler-sized bird also appeared, too briefly to identify because a couple walking a dog came by and the dog just wouldn't shut-up.
Wow that's great! I will try to get out more now the warblers are out and about. Can't promise much since my semester starts soon. Flocks of grackles are stopping by and I hear Orioles and maybe grosbeaks.