Humming Bird a Flycatcher and lots of Jays..Milton
Outdoor Ontario

Humming Bird a Flycatcher and lots of Jays..Milton


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Yesterday around 9:30 am I observed a Humming Bird visiting our remaining flowers on our Plox and Rose of Sharon bushes. A few minutes later I spotted a Flycatcher on the fence and proceed to view it for a view minutes feeding in our apple tree. I wasn't able to i.d. the bird , it had a light coloured breast.
A very large flight of Jays flew past heading a Westerly direction.
Interesting site you should check out is
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You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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It pains me to correct you's a PARTY or BAND of blue jays....I frankly prefer PARTY....


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Heck, what's a party without a band? Where there is a band there's a party. Now, really, a bunch of blue jays would constitute a game! A win would demand a party and we could then just hire a band and the band would insist on beer. I suddenly don't feel so good ... hiccup