I was at Burns marsh off of Guelph line this morning and came across a really unique bird close to the main entrance area perched in the top of a dead tree. After viewing a few field guides I am unable to identify it including my friends - experienced birders.
This bird was about the size of a redstart with a jet black head. However, it's beak was about an inch and a half and curved a little downwards. The rest of the body was a little less blackish/grayish with a v-fork tail shape.
The bird flew away a couple of times returning for me to have a good look at it in the sunlight and memorize it's song as well. It flew like a typical warbler. The only bird in my field guides with a similar head to beak ratio is a hummingbird or curlew. This bird was not a humming bird or curlew! Could it be someone's lost PET - or just something unique for the area?
Best Regards,