Resident of Deadwood, Ont.
Outdoor Ontario

Resident of Deadwood, Ont.


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A grainy image of one of the gritty residents of this dried-up village. All sand and deadwood.


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The low warm sunlight, combined with heavy-handed vignetting, really add to the old-western vibe. The question is, does he truly have the grit to match his portrayal? Or is his six-shooter not even loaded.


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In the likes of Deadwood, true grit doesn't come from courage or perseverance in the face of adversity but from the bottle, from always being loaded with a six shooter of rye whisky. This hombre may look tough, may leave a trail of gritty sand wherever it perches, but the truth is that it's as despicable as all the rest of the regions regulars: the no-good double-crossing vermin rat-faced squirrel and that no-account sheriff with a mean streak that stretches clear across town. Even the sign for Deadwood was nailed on upside-down with rusty nails from that swindling Rusty blackbird fella. You best avoid Deadwood, partner. I'm only gunna say it once .... spit.   


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I can't imagine what kind of conversations went on in your house when goose was growing up.