Even when superbly well-designed for life afloat there are times when circumstances demand time spent in dry dock. At any marina in the late fall you shall be witness to the sad remains of desiccated boats atop traditional wooden frames each covered by an undistinguished tarpaulin that unceremoniously flaps in the uninvited breeze, a scene that makes me turn away from the smite while turning up my collar in synchronous reflex.
Not all vessels are hoisted to purgatory. Some remain due to shear gravitas. Those that remain are empty and ride high in the water to reveal their thin red line, which is suggestive enough for a passing cormorant to be shown the way. Follow the thin red line, young cormorant.. Perhaps the ship is named the Cormorant. Perhaps my imagination runs away with me. You be the judge.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 07:23:19 PM by Shortsighted »