Woodland Fruit
Outdoor Ontario

Woodland Fruit


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Just can't explain it. Why do I hear Claude Debussey's music, specifically the Prelude, l'apres-midi d'un faune? It goes through my head as soon as I write woodland fruit. What triggered it, the word woodland or the word fruit? Does it matter? Does anyone really care? Well, the woodlot has quite a lot of wild fruit, which will dry-out, shrivel into insignificance like my posts, perhaps even ferment. Ay, there's the rub. For in that creep of death what delights may come when we have snipped off this mortal fruit, must give us cause: there's the project that makes calamity of so long sober. Those clever robins! Those lush thrush! No wonder there is a woodlot party going on. Open bar ... alfresco.



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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/60250038@N02/
I eat these wild grapes whenever I find one beside a trail, these are a bit tangy but quite tasty. Just to be clear, I do leave enough for the birds.