Tufted Titmouse
Outdoor Ontario

Tufted Titmouse


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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/60250038@N02/
Last Sunday, Nov 12 a friend of mine and I drove to FWR Dickson Wildlife area in Cambridge in search of Tufted Titmouse. Within a few minutes of our arrival, we saw at least 3 coming and going to seed piles that kind hearted people left along the boardwalk. There was also a Fox Sparrow and a few other regulars. My first sighting of a Titmouse was in 2015 in Niagara Falls area, since then I have seen quite a few but it is always thrilling to see one, let alone three.


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Very nice! My one and only sighting of a Tufted Titmouse was near the edge of the Marineland property at a feeder in Chippewa/Niagara falls on Peter street.
In 2008  I grabbed an image of a Coopers Hawk on the "red fence" while it was watching that feeder.  Image is in that flkr link below that I cannot login to any longer.
P.S. I thought I had one in Port Colborne Last spring but wasn't able to spot it. I heard it though.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2022, 12:19:08 AM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Thanks for sharing this find. I've never seen a Tufted titmouse myself despite having gone to Rosetta McClain Gardens a few years ago to find one that was reported a few days running. There were no reports of it having been spotted on the day that I managed to get there. I think one was also sighted on the grounds of the Guild Inn in Scarborough, perhaps even the same bird. Being an unlikely visitor to TO I soon realized that seeing one was probably never going to happen so it's quite a treat for it to appear on this board in the fall. Heck, it's a miracle if anything appears on this board in any month, or season. Ever since the disappearance of the site because of a domain name issue the board has collapsed, even though the solution was as easy as switching to ".org" and then carry on as usual. T.A.G did his best to get the word out and even now OutdoorOntario appears at the top of the page when you conduct a search for this site, which was not previously the case.
I guess that I will deliver a few more FALL GUYS posts before I retire from monopolizing this site unless the sheriff runs me out of town before I gits to finnishing. Dag-nabbit, I just kant help meself. When I gits an idear inta me solid noggin I jest kant rightly commence to quitin the dang thing.


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I have never turned my mind to seeing one....but will now add it to my bucket list of birds which pretty much guarantees I won't see one but every non-birder around me will see many. Sooooo what's the deal with them? (Because I don't know.)


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I have never turned my mind to seeing one....but will now add it to my bucket list of birds which pretty much guarantees I won't see one but every non-birder around me will see many. Sooooo what's the deal with them? (Because I don't know.)

I lied about my first sighting of a tuffed titmouse. I was at Pelee, first time birder, and during my walk, I said to my friend that I need to run back to the tourist centre to use the facilities. And on my way, several birders were look into a tree and I walked over and asked them what that was. Someone said, that is a tuffed titmouse. I nodded and thanked them. BUT, I was too new a birder, I didn't see ANY bird in that tree! But I felt too embrassed to tell them.😂😂😂
I saw some at the feeder there a year later.


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lol yeah honestly I went to Pelee once....and didn't really talk to anyone BUT one guy approaches me and he's bragging about seeing 7.2 trillion prothonotaries and 50 millio Blackburnian etc. etc. and I'm just rolling my eyes....


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That must be asshole Walter! Then again, he's not the only one. More narcissists than ticks. And people ask me why I bird alone? Let me count the reasons. Actually, I'd rather not.