Dovekie sighting
Outdoor Ontario

Dovekie sighting


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The Dovekie is a member of the Auk family of arctic (pelagic) birds that spends most of their time near the pack ice way out on the Atlantic, or Arctic Ocean. Well ... awkward ... one of them was seen and photographed (up close) at Ashbridges Bay yesterday. It came to warn us that snow was forecast and expect more burrr ... on the way. I swear, I didn't make this up. Once again, Brian Stahls was there to document the visit.


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In between watching the world cup soccer matches on TV I decided to drove down to Ashbirdge's Bay around 1 PM on Saturday, DVP wasn't too bad for driving. Followed others to the tip where they are restoring the shoreline and immediately spotted the bird very close to the shoreline. I stayed there for half an hour and drove back to watch England packing after losing to France. Here's a photo of the Dovekie. By the way, it hasn't been seen today yet, despite many looking for it. According to record keeper Glenn Coady this is the 8th sighting of a Dovekie in the GTA.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2022, 11:08:42 AM by Dinusaur »