ID challenge
Outdoor Ontario

ID challenge


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Lone female goldeneye duck spotted a long way off. Is it a Common or a Barrow's? Why?


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  • Frequent Users
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Waffle-cake! I love it ... "I want to say"Yes, I agree that the forehead is not steep enough for a Barrow's. Also, the bill seems too long for a Barrow's. The head is certainly dark enough but I think it is a lone Common. You are so good at this Ally. It's too bad no one that used to be on this forum will challenge you. There has been an up-tick in guests. There has been no corresponding up-tick in opening posts. Does that mean the guests are just admiring the design features offered by TransAtlanticGoose? Or, does it mean we have a queue of bots trying to make a post to reflect their commercial agenda but can't get past TAG's firewall? What if there is a breach? Will the ship sink? Will the whole crew of five be doomed? Should I go away now?

The answer to all of these questions is probably "yes".