This week things improved a little bit, the seed level actually dropped by an inch in my very small feeder. Today I put some Black oil seed on a piece of wood in the corner of the yard and on a few Rocks along the fence. Nothing spectacular, mostly Junco's and Chickadee"s on a daily basis. Last weekend we had a Lady Cardinal and then a couple of Males land on the feeder. Two Ravens today hanging about and lots of Geese over the last few weeks. Geese honking 1 in the morning is starting to get on my nerves.. Skunks are out and about late at night across the street so we have to be careful our old fart Border Collie doesn't get sprayed.
I/We contemplated heading to the cottage this week to grab a bunch of things but the bathroom renovation took precedence over that idea. "I want my bathroom back"
. No pics from the back yard as the Red Breasted Nuthatches would not stop nor would the Chickadee's. The Only bright spot was today while traveling to Costco to spend our life savings, we spotted two Swans in the Pond along the North Service rd. West of Guelph line. I couldn't tell what species.
Napper:) Out