Downsview Park Feb 19
Outdoor Ontario

Downsview Park Feb 19

Ally · 8 · 1302


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Even the Redwinged black birds avoided me. But when I was leaving, saw people taking photos of something, so I stopped and found the smiling cutie.


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The raven was either retrieving his caching from before, or trying to hide it, but decided to take it away so I don't steal it after.


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Two RTHs were in the scene, both kind of cooperative.


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I'm glad that you ventured out but I'm more appreciative that you posted. I've only been to Downsview Park twice, many years ago, and saw a couple of kestrel on the second visit but there is no way I could get close enough to one of them with my 200mm lens. Downsview is a long way from here. Even back in the day when I borrowed a car the trip was too far. Too much fuel, too much guilt at propelling a 1.5 ton vehicle all that distance just to take a few pictures ... maybe. Then there is the traffic to contend with. I don't miss that part at all. Please, keep posting cuz no one else is, not even Dinu.


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I will try. It's my reading week, and I haven't been reading. :o ???


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Even the Redwinged black birds avoided me. But when I was leaving, saw people taking photos of something, so I stopped and found the smiling cutie.
Could you explain Redwinged black birds avoided me? Last year was the earliest for me (Feb 24) and that was in Port Colborne along the shores of Lake Erie.
Getting to Downsview is actually pretty easy, Subway from Union to Wilson then 120 bus or 96 West to the park. I did it for 30 plus years from Milton Using "Go bus 27" from Milton to Yorkdale then Subway to Wilson and the 120 bus or 96. It was only in mid 2020 I started driving to work because "Go Transit" did not have service that worked for me as I was forced to work an off shift 3pm to 11pm. It wasn't a problem as there was no traffic at that time. As traffic started to increase I just started work earlier etc.


Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Even the Redwinged black birds avoided me. But when I was leaving, saw people taking photos of something, so I stopped and found the smiling cutie.
Could you explain Redwinged black birds avoided me? Last year was the earliest for me (Feb 24) and that was in Port Colborne along the shores of Lake Erie.
Getting to Downsview is actually pretty easy, Subway from Union to Wilson then 120 bus or 96 West to the park. I did it for 30 plus years from Milton Using "Go bus 27" from Milton to Yorkdale then Subway to Wilson and the 120 bus or 96. It was only in mid 2020 I started driving to work because "Go Transit" did not have service that worked for me as I was forced to work an off shift 3pm to 11pm. It wasn't a problem as there was no traffic at that time. As traffic started to increase I just started work earlier etc.

I thought I heard red winged black birds when I was there on the 19th, and I searched and searched in the little forest in the middle, didn't find one. There were many European Starlings there, but I don't think they mimic the scolding calls of RWBB. Any other bird, maybe?



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Hey Ally  :D
I know that Northern Mocking birds can copy just about any bird calls. While I was at Downsview I noticed that Mockingbirds started frequenting the area. I only ever saw them near the grape like fruit bearing bushes along the train tracks. There used to be a Mulberry bush/tree at the Keele and 401 west Go Bus stop and I spotted one there. Mocking birds during the Winter are not uncommon in this area. Starlings, Catbirds and Thrashers can and will mock other bird calls.
Love your bird pics BTW.

Napper :D I am night Owl now
p.s. Nobody believed me when I said there were Raven's at Downsview except for Dinu. They like to hang out on the Aircraft hangers East of the train tracks with the Snowy's

Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?