Outdoor Ontario


Ally · 5 · 1129


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Lots of finches visiting neighbour's feeder, and I'm glad to have spotted this guy/gal. Love the feather pattern.


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Nice find! I haven't seen one of these since the beginning of January. Your photo is of a female, as too was my visitor, discerned by the discontinuous red patch as traced from nape to lore. The male has neon orange-red across the crown of the head as well as nape and lore. Somebody show me one with a red belly ... please! I need some validation otherwise I will start to call it a red-naped woodpecker. The red on its belly is sparse and hard to see because the woodpecker is usually observed from a position that does not feature the belly. Hey, that gives me an idea. Nah, no one looks at me anyway so there is no point in posturing to hide stuff. I should check to see if the Evening grosbeak in Scarborough was spotted again this morning. Just a thought.


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Here you go, and more distraction came


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Ah, there's that elusive red belly, worn like a bloody diaper. So cooperative of the woodpecker to comply to my rhetorical request, and also of you to corroborate in due course. Excellent! So, is there any reason that your landlord is snooping around the premises? This isn't the first time you have caught an opossum in a photo, is it? Caught in broad daylight too. Does it come around frequently? Have you given it a rat-faced name yet? I'm only allowed three questions. Dems the rules.


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Ah, there's that elusive red belly, worn like a bloody diaper. So cooperative of the woodpecker to comply to my rhetorical request, and also of you to corroborate in due course. Excellent! So, is there any reason that your landlord is snooping around the premises? This isn't the first time you have caught an opossum in a photo, is it? Caught in broad daylight too. Does it come around frequently? Have you given it a rat-faced name yet? I'm only allowed three questions. Dems the rules.
I put some peanuts out, hoping to attract some birds from my neighbour's feeder. But to my dismay, the squirrels ate most of it, then this guy came and finished the lot.