Eastern Towhee
Outdoor Ontario

Eastern Towhee

Ally · 5 · 992


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I'm glad to check on this unusual sound and finally discovered the Towhee. I was intrigued by the bird call similar to the chattering of a tree sparrow but with some variations. It did not make the 'tow-hee' sound. He called for quite some time, even a Robin came to snout.


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Way to go! I've been hoping for a Towhee in the yard for years. It's been years since I saw one there (a male) along with a Fox sparrow. These are very nice shots, advantaged by the even overcast lighting. I've seen nothing new in the yard for quite some time now. I removed the sunflower seed/peanut pieces feeder for a while because of Grackles and RWBB but I have since put it out again. Mostly: Cardinals, Chickadees, Downy, Junco and occasionally a WT sparrow or Song sparrow. It's been like that for many weeks.
I love these shots! But did you know Lotto 649 is both Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sorry, I just keep hearing that actor's annoying voice from " I love this dream ".
You got the right idea. Stop and listen instead of just looking. Of course, you need to have a good audio memory for bird song/calls. I don't have that talent.


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Way to go! I've been hoping for a Towhee in the yard for years. It's been years since I saw one there (a male) along with a Fox sparrow. These are very nice shots, advantaged by the even overcast lighting. I've seen nothing new in the yard for quite some time now. I removed the sunflower seed/peanut pieces feeder for a while because of Grackles and RWBB but I have since put it out again. Mostly: Cardinals, Chickadees, Downy, Junco and occasionally a WT sparrow or Song sparrow. It's been like that for many weeks.
I love these shots! But did you know Lotto 649 is both Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sorry, I just keep hearing that actor's annoying voice from " I love this dream ".
You got the right idea. Stop and listen instead of just looking. Of course, you need to have a good audio memory for bird song/calls. I don't have that talent.

Thanks, need to constantly practice. Forgot to change setting when it went inside the woods. Never really paid too much attention to the red eyes before.


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Your backyard has woods? Cool. The red eyes are not always apparent when a towhee is viewed in the field because there is seldom sufficient light on the subject to pop those eyes. When the sun is lower (early morning and evening) then they are even visible within the viewfinder at which time they will have their Svengali effect. The last few towhee sightings that I've had were all female birds, which present as admirable subjects too because of their intense rufous colouration. Maybe I'll still get to see a towhee some time within the next few weeks. I like to tell myself stuff like that.

BTW: There was a Tufted titmouse in the Cranberry Marsh area for a couple of days (April 17 & 18th). Reports say that it was right down at the lakefront next to the bench that overlooks the water. Apparently several birders got lots of photos of it. I didn't see any reports of it yesterday or today.  TT was also reported on the islands recently.


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Thanks for the info. I will go east on Sunday. Love tuffed tirmouse.