What made you pick Humber Bay Park for your photo destination? It seems to me that you have seldom featured this site in the past. Do you refer to posted eBird sightings when deciding on your next outing, or do you just make regular rounds to cover all the bases. If memory serves, I always associated Humber Bay with water fowl, but not so much with warblers. In the past, the best sites for warblers out west has been Sam Smith (perimeter of sports bowl) and Rattray Marsh. Out east the best sites were always Ashbridges Bay spit and then way out east at Thickson Woods (Whitby). So far, none of these preferred sites have reported much warbler activity beyond the occasional Palm warbler or Yellow-rumped. Ashbridges had a Yellow-throated a little while ago. This morning I heard a Common Yellowthroat but couldn't visually locate it. The Rouge should have had a few early warblers by this date but so far I haven't seen any. What I'm mainly hearing lately, and fleetingly seeing but can't get close to is the House wren. I saw three of them today, or it may have been the same wren over three locations next to Highland Creek. No sign of Hermit thrush though ... not even one. What drives me crazy is that I'm always spotting something while looking into the sun. I spooked two Black-crowned night herons but didn't see them perched because they were south of me and therefore into the light. I was really close too. Why can't I spot something interesting with the sun behind me for once?