Pine Warblers, Birding from the deck
Outdoor Ontario

Pine Warblers, Birding from the deck


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We had a few Pine warblers this morning in the trees across the lane. I messed up with the camera settings, exposure comp was set for sunsets oops >:( . The few Raw image that are viewable show Pine Warblers collecting nesting material.
Still no birds at the feeders. We had a Merlin screaming again today and I spotted a Barn Swallow zippin high above the trees, looked like the swallow was chasing a RWBB or a Grackle.
I am hearing Red Naped/Breasted Woodpecks and Eastern Phoebes behind the house in the tall trees.
Napper :)
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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I guess that's why I don't see any phoebe down here in Pickering because you have them all congregating behind the house. I say, that's not cricket. Have you seen any Great Crested flycatchers? I saw one today quite a way off and as I started to move in its direction it immediately took off and flew even farther away. I can take a hint. Saw a Least FC again today, as I did yesterday, but it was always behind twigs and never fully exposed.

When will we ever learn. Over and over again, the same mistake. Re-set the camera for a one-off and then forget to re-set back to something more in keeping with general birding. I've taken to turning my camera on while walking and making adjustments to compensation and ISO as conditions change without looking at the screen, or looking through the viewfinder. A reasonable protocol you would think, except half the time the adjustment went all wrong and I don't realize it until it's too late. I think my controls are worn-out because it is an old camera so from now on I will have to verify every adjustment visually and not just assume that it is correct.