Humber River Trail May 16
Outdoor Ontario

Humber River Trail May 16

Ally · 6 · 1051


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They were all up high, but I'm happy with the variety pack. They were even on the same tree for some time.


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Male and female Blackburnians. Northern Parula sitting with Yellow.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2023, 12:27:25 PM by Ally »


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Nashville and Yellowrumped.
The bunting is also back, but my photos are bad.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2023, 12:15:41 PM by Ally »


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What time of day were you out? I'm always amazed at what variety and subject proximity your Humber River Trail provides. Around here in Pickering one needs to look long and hard to find anything at all. The Rouge is mostly dead and the Beare wetland (also part of the Rouge) is sadly the same. Where exactly is this Humber River Trail. Is it anywhere near the Old Mill Inn? It always seems to me that the west end (CSS, Downsview Park, Rattray Marsh) is more productive than the east end, with the notable exception of TTP and Ashbridges. Alas, these sites might as well be in another city when viewed from my perspective. If it isn't nearby it might as well not even exist.


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What time of day were you out? I'm always amazed at what variety and subject proximity your Humber River Trail provides. Around here in Pickering one needs to look long and hard to find anything at all. The Rouge is mostly dead and the Beare wetland (also part of the Rouge) is sadly the same. Where exactly is this Humber River Trail. Is it anywhere near the Old Mill Inn? It always seems to me that the west end (CSS, Downsview Park, Rattray Marsh) is more productive than the east end, with the notable exception of TTP and Ashbridges. Alas, these sites might as well be in another city when viewed from my perspective. If it isn't nearby it might as well not even exist.
I was out between 9 to 10 this morning. And the trail is roughly between Pine point Park and Covenant Reformed Church of Toronto. Haven't been to other parks for a bit, maybe this Thursday is the weather holds up.


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Thanks for the intel. I looked it up on satellite view. Resembles any other meandering waterway, such as the Petticoat Creek, the Rouge, or Highland Creek here out in the east (Scarborough / Pickering) but the Humber is clearly superior from a birding perspective for you to be able to see so many birds in only an hour of trailing. Out here the trail, or walkway near the river / creek tends to be busy with bicycles, joggers, dog walkers, etc so that even finding a subject means you better get a shot in the first few seconds after discovery otherwise someone will spook it in passing. At Colonel Danforth Park along Highland Creek there was some schmuck racing his motorized bike up and down the main drag. The small engine would scream at full throttle. Motorized vehicles are prohibited on the path but people do whatever they want. Trying to enjoy nature with that racket is near impossible. At Petticoat Creek there are tractors and lawn mowers constantly disturbing the peace. The side trails are infiltrated by joggers and dirt bikes racing along. It's a wonder I got any photos at all. Between the interruptions and a shutter that often refuses to trip I missed at least as much as I got.