May - 18th - Rouge
Outdoor Ontario

May - 18th - Rouge


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Yesterday there were plenty of Bay-breasted warblers but today I didn't see a single one. Less activity in general. Almost every warbler I did see was a Yellow-rumped (male and female) and I didn't even try to capture a shot of one because I was looking for other species ... any other species. Spotted a female Yellow early-on and eventually a Palm warbler but it wasn't easy. I could hear a Great crested flycatcher calling but couldn't locate it. Same deal with a Pileated WP. Near the water the fallen logs were being utilized by Spotted sandpipers. I must have seen half a dozen of them. Also spotted a RB grosbeak after emerging from between dense bushes. GBH were making nests on the top of the tallest trees.

Palm warbler


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