Rouge - May 21
Outdoor Ontario

Rouge - May 21


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There was not a lot of activity at my location although I could hear bird calls all around me. I went out in search of flycatchers such as phoebe and kingbirds, hoping to capture shots of them on perches near by station. I figured there were five good perches within my reach, one of which was actually right beside me and 60 degrees upward. I did not expect to be concerned with that very close perch but I was premature. I had barely settled down when a Tree swallow decided to rest on it. Only one of the other perches was used and by yet another Tree swallow. The perch sticking out of the water would have been good for a heron but it remained vacant throughout my stay. A GBH did fly in but it stayed on the other side of the water and close to that distant shore. What made the visit for me was the arrival of a couple of Blue-winged teal. This species of duck has eluded me for years. The last and only time I got any sort of photo of one was back in 2012 with my Canon G9 point-and-shoot camera.

Blue-winged Teal

Tree Swallow


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Love the teals. Never notice the face markings.