While you are waiting for a learned response to your inquiry I feel that your contribution needs to be respected by a response from the peanut gallery. I have very meagre audio memory skills that remain completely in keeping with my ancillary deficits, but nonetheless I offer you what I believe might be the source of some of your bird calls. I think that I can hear: Chipping sparrow, Song sparrow, Chickadee, Yellow warbler, Robin, and a distant buzzy warbler call, such as a BT Green. You see, I've already forgotten the others. Take my advice and never get old. You forget everything and are too lazy, and too obtuse to even write down stuff so that you don't need to rely on memory. I suppose that I could listen again, for the third time, but I'm also impatient and the progress bar is so slow and therefore reminds me of how I walk when I get up in the morning. Did I mention that I was lazy? OK, I'm not really that old, but birth certificates can be deceiving. I don't trust them.