Thanks for the report. I should have figured that the water level was too high based upon observations elsewhere. I was hoping that a Least Bittern would be sighted and reported here in the east, at Cranberry marsh, as was the case on some previous years but nothing so far. The last time that both a LB and I were at Cranberry at the same time I missed a good opportunity for a choice shot, albeit with too short a lens, because I lost my patience and didn't wait long enough for the bittern to make its way around the reeds. I knew approximately where it was and that it was almost certainly headed my way and would eventually emerge into view at the base of the reeds. I just wasn't prepared for how long that two meter excursion would take and my back was killing me because I was laying there flat on the ground for the best perspective. Probably wouldn't have been a problem if I had still been in my 30's then, instead of 60's. I had to get up and stretch and that's when the bittern appeared, was spooked and flew farther away. I got a shot at its new location but it was not a good one.