Colonel Sam Smith Aug 25
Outdoor Ontario

Colonel Sam Smith Aug 25

Ally · 5 · 1551


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Dunno what's with the weather, but I want to go as often as I can before semester starts.
Yes, I was like a Cape May whisperer. Some would even sit still for me.


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It was so quiet at first, then lots of redstarts and a bunch of black and whites turn up. They had such commotion at some point, and made us think there might be an owl. But I guess my luck stopped at the Cape May. The two Olive sided did show up at the big bowl as well.


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You get all those juvenile warblers in the middle of the day? Holy smokes! How do you do it. Around here in the middle of the day there isn't a single warbler of any stripe. Maybe between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. but after that ... forget about it. You have so much lush light. What ISO were you using this time? Your 600mm is amazing and by the angle of some of your shots these little gems have come down to your level. I almost broke my neck this morning staring high up. Only dogs were low down. Well done again.


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You get all those juvenile warblers in the middle of the day? Holy smokes! How do you do it. Around here in the middle of the day there isn't a single warbler of any stripe. Maybe between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. but after that ... forget about it. You have so much lush light. What ISO were you using this time? Your 600mm is amazing and by the angle of some of your shots these little gems have come down to your level. I almost broke my neck this morning staring high up. Only dogs were low down. Well done again.
Not sure about their age. I knew those vireos are young. They were taken at around 10am at ISO 3200. It was hard on the eyes, but now it's getting warmer, I think the cooler and darker mornings are more preferable.


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Your 3200 ISO performance is better than my 1600. I don't think that the sensor of the t7i and my old t4i are much different but I guess that the firmware in your camera is doing a better job of processing. Either that is the case or you are not doing any cropping, which seems unimaginable even for 600mm. Actually, I'm lucky that my camera even works anymore.