By the time I arrived at 7 o'clock (a.m.) there was already some warbler noise and a bit of frenzied movement. In other words, I arrived too late and missed some of it. The sun was above the lake's horizon but a bank of cloud was threatening its brilliant rays. Within 15 minutes the light levels dropped as the sun became veiled. The first movement I noted was down near the ground over the edge of the bluff's brink. That spot was still in shadow but I managed to capture a frame (not well focused) of what might be a juvenile Pine warbler. In short order a B&W warbler appeared above in a tree. Then a juvenile Blackburnian warbler and several Cape May warblers. Yesterday I saw my first fall CM but it was in considerable misty gloom. This time I captured a few frames in bright sunlight, although none of them were seen low down on the cedars. By 8 o'clock all warbler activity ceased as if a switch was thrown. After that I saw a few Red-eyed vireo, including juveniles, but that was pretty much it. Oh yes, I think I spotted a BG Gnatcatcher close to the edge of the bluff but I was looking into the sun so all I had to go by was the outline (thin bill and long thin tail) and the wheezy call. I tried to reposition myself but by then it had vanished.
Juvenile Pine warbler
Black & White warbler
Juvenile Blackburnian warbler
Juvenile Cape May warbler
Juvenile Red-eyed vireo