Grand river Kitchener
Outdoor Ontario

Grand river Kitchener

Ally · 6 · 1249


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I went Canoeing for the very first time in my life, so nervous. But I got some shots nevertheless. Only brought small lens, and even that was not easy for me.Can someone help me identify the last one?


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A new experience ... good for you. By canoeing do you mean on the Grand River, or out on a lake? A river canoe has a flat keel so that it can be quickly shifted in white water, while a lake canoe has a deep keel so that it grabs the water enough to prevent the wind from negating all of your aggressive paddling. Taking a flat-keeled canoe on a lake in a breeze can get you in trouble because your body acts like a sail and can easily over-power your strokes taking you farther and farther out onto the inhospitable lake. A deep keeled canoe on a quick river can be too hard to steer because the rapid current has the keel locked as if on rails and your paddling is all for naught, as you careen wildly out of control at many knots.

I hope you had fun and learned some safety measures for canoeing, like ... never boogie in a canoe. Also, don't say dumb stuff like "where's the motor? Believe me, I know ... been there, done that. Now I can't get Boogie Fever out of my head. That's what Charline needs to try ... a video adventure taken from a canoe as it silently glides through the reeds.


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Oh ya, your sandpiper is probably a Solitary sandpiper ... long bill, buggy eyes, riverside habitat.


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Oh ya, your sandpiper is probably a Solitary sandpiper ... long bill, buggy eyes, riverside habitat.

Much bigger and chubbier than Solitary. Like a seagull size.


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Ah, I see, that all important point-of-reference, which isn't there. Then there is the Short-billed Dowitcher ... and the crowd roars!


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Ah, I see, that all important point-of-reference, which isn't there. Then there is the Short-billed Dowitcher ... and the crowd roars!
Thank you, I don't know whether I have seen one yet.