Didn't expect the heat wave to abate so abruptly, so I didn't get out until 9 a.m. NE breeze could really be felt. Mostly cloudy with the sun breaking through for a few minutes at a time. Big cedars were devoid of birds so I moved eastward along the bluffs. Most sightings were before the wooded section and within the woods:
Yellow-bellied flycatcher / Yellow-rumped warbler juvi / Chestnut-sided warbler juvi / American Redstart female / Black-throated Blue warbler female / Common Yellowthroat juvi / cardinal / blue jay / goldfinches / Ruby-crowned kinglet / Hermit thrush / hummingbird (yes, in the woods) / catbird / Red-tailed hawk.
Comments: The few warblers stayed high in the trees and therefore out of reach. The woods brought some birds lower but the light was very poor and the foliage/branch entanglement made focusing a nightmare. Having been away from it during the heat wave I've also become a little slow in response.