Ah well, that explains some of your esoteric pursuits. Used to belong ... not any longer then. Were the club's ambitions too nebulous for you? Do I take it then that you have a telescope? Did you take astronomy in uni? Riigghht ... none of my business. Anyway, I understand that there is a website that reveals the location of the darkest places in Ontario. I would offer you a link but I don't have one, but you might research it before you decide on a destination. Here's a thought, wouldn't the lovely geeks in the astronomy club know where the darkest sites are located. Perhaps the revelation of the next Royal Astronomical Society's deep sky event would suggest a good location, but then again, you want the eastern horizon too, not trees. Picking a good spot that satisfies both dark sky and eastern perspective to the horizon is a very challenging assignment. I need to help you with this but I'm so useless when I have a backache, or a hangnail. It just hit me! You said that you are going tout seul, far away up north, into hostile territory ... not wise. Expeditions like that need a buddy system. I used to go fishing up north but never alone. Stuff happens. We can't have the founder of Astrocharlinoscopy just vanish into the wilderness never to be seen again. The forum's ratings would plummet. Oh ya, they already have. Regardless, you need a Sherpa, an assistant, a cook, a grip, a medic, a cushion cuz the igneous rocks are hard, but please don't go alone. There are things that lurk in the night and there are legends of people going crazy after having witnessed the zodiacal light. Even if you make it back as a little crazy, we just can't have two members of this forum that are certifiably nuts.