I've only seen one phoebe since the spring and that sighting was almost two weeks ago. When I went out this morning there was almost nothing to see, or to hear. No warblers at all. No flycatchers at all. There were a few chickadees, cardinals and blue jays flying from place to place. Also spotted a couple of flicker high in the trees, as well as starlings in winter feathers, but no birds of prey flying around. It has now gotten to the point where its not worth going to the park (near the bluffs) in the morning. Pedestrians are starting to take the dirt trails now that mosquitoes are no longer a concern, so even if I find something I would soon be interrupted by dirt bikes or dog walkers thereby defeating any efforts directed at photography. I would try another location but the same would apply elsewhere and there is little to choose from without travelling farther from home than I care to. Gas is not cheap.