Pewee and Phoebe
Outdoor Ontario

Pewee and Phoebe


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I visited a local pond this morning after checking out Lower Reesor pond. I almost didn't bother with Lower Reesor because the short path to the observation spot was previously so severely overgrown that it was rather unpleasant to get to the water at all, negociating weeds up to my arm pits. Obviously the Conservation Authority doesn't want anyone visiting this pond anymore because no one has felt it necessary to clear it. Now there is garbage dumped in front of the almost none existent path as well as several pieces of cut-up tree trunk. Obviously dumped by a contractor.
I visited another pond farther west and found only geese and one cormorant. Almost immediately upon arrival I noticed a RC kinglet in a bush less than a meter away from me. It disappeared into the thicket. I waited a while for it to reappear but it never did. Even setting fire to the bush didn't flush it out. Just kidding. I didn't have a lighter anyway.

Things were quiet along the edge of the pond. I spotted an Eastern Wood Pewee and an Eastern Phoebe and then a Gray Catbird. Some blue jays were flying around but no further sign of kinglets or warblers.

Eastern Wood Pewee

Eastern Phoebe

Gray Catbird


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Are there only grey birds left?  ;D

Nice shots!


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Yup. Only dark gray birds for a dark horse like me. It's Mother Nature's very own plan. Tone down the birds just before she turns up the foliage and sets fire to everything. After a spell of seeing dull-looking birds the splendour of autumn is all the more .... splendid? There are still a few warblers around for those able to visit hot-spots. I miss going to Ashbridges bay, among other past extravagances. Thanks for the encouragement, you wild woman of the far north. Say hello to Bigfoot if you should happen to see her. Tell her that I have not forgotten that I lost that stupid bet and that I still owe her the money, although I can't see her spending any of it any time soon.


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You are right, did see some small yellow birds in the north. They must still be around here.

Talking about gas, do you know you can spend $10 for a one-day weekend Go Transit Pass for unlimited trips in the Go Transit System? Or you can get a weekend pass for $15. For a long weekend, that would be three days. If that's too much,then Ali has promised to drive you for free!