Teaming with Kinglets, Tiny Beaches
Outdoor Ontario

Teaming with Kinglets, Tiny Beaches

Napper · 2 · 1688


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We just couldn't stay home due to the noise and dust from construction next door. We headed back up North today to peace and somewhat quiet. I was setting things up in my "command center" the sun room with the door open and again I am hearing Red Bellied Woodpecker. I changed batteries in Camera an headed onto the deck and Nothing.
The Feeder is very busy here Chickadees and WB Nuthatches. I noticed a lot of movement in our Oak tree in the side yard, I tried for twenty minutes and finally had one bird stop for a second and snapped a shot or two. They are Golden Crowned Kinglets at least one anyway.
I'll post the images a little later

Napper@ the Beach
p.s. Nothing happening in Milton except for one Jay at the Neighours peanut feeder.
pics below, didn't mess with them much just a crop, resize and one sharpen

« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 03:45:46 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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How about that. They have been reported down here in La La Land too, although I have not seen a single one so far. I usually don't see any GCKs until October, which is just around the corner. What happened to September? Quite warm and even a little humidity expected this weekend.