Eastern Towhee
Outdoor Ontario

Eastern Towhee


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I love it when I hear a bird that I didn't expect to encounter.  I love it even more when I can remember what the bird call represents.  Today in a Scarborough park I heard a Towhee and then spotted it in the grass next to a row of bushes. I managed to get a couple of shots of it but not under good conditions. Once the towhee was partially obscured by foliage and once it was so dark I had to use my flash. There were many WT sparrows present. Almost every sparrow I saw was a WT. Twice I spotted a Hermit thrush but the only time that it was close enough it was on the other side of a chain-link fence, with some direct sunlight (splotchy) it would have been a good shot except for the fence. Just as I was leaving I saw my only one and only GC kinglet of the morning. Just as I took a shot a dog walker with three dogs came around the corner and once again, that was the end of that.

Eastern Towhee (male)

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Red Rascal

Hermit Thrush


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Lovely collection. A Towhee is a treat. I didn't see a thrush this fall.