GBBC Feb. 16-19
Outdoor Ontario

GBBC Feb. 16-19

Bird Brain

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Hi everyone.  It's the annual 4 day Great Backyard Bird Count Feb. 16-19.  Starting today!
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".


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So, they're expecting it to be great, eh ... GBBC, when I first saw it I thought it was yet another bank! How would we ever survive without short-forms and acronyms? While not claiming to be an acronym, I am short and getting shorter all the time, which is in short standing with my reputation as being the Father of Curses. One of these days this forum will have a post presented entirely in acronyms. Indeed, sometimes it seems that the odd reply is posted in hyper-abbreviation without a complete sentence anywhere to be found. I can understand not having anything to say, a mute condition that many would prefer me to embrace, but deciphering an opinion presented as the metaphorical equivalent of computer code makes me feel akin to AI and yet there is nothing artificial about my ornery disposition. If I don't remain verbose and relish the printed word then I'll likely slip silently into anesthesia, provided it looks good on me in the mirror.

Bird Brain

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I've always wished they would change the name as "backyard" sounds like it means a backyard feeder.  Meanwhile it's referring to Planet Earth's "backyard" and a person can count birds anywhere!  It's a great way for a beginner birder to get to know birds - go out counting with seasoned birders!   8)
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".


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One can't escape the apparent logic of recording the number of bird species seen within a designated perimeter and to repeat the procedure at regular intervals. Field biologist have been doing that sort of tallying since the brewing of coffee was perfected. The congruity between high numbers of individuals in a given area and the health of the population at large helped determine which species were endangered or at risk. Too great a tally might indicate another problem entirely. There are many people on this planet but the human population may not actually be that healthy, mentally or physically, nor is the planet that hosts us rosy-cheeked.

The birds that visit a backyard are generally the most populous, most successful and most adaptable species that have somehow managed to thrive in an urban environment. These bird species represent a subset of birds in general that have come to tolerate their observers. The conditions we have created in our little castles, or rooms within a bigger castle, are aberrational transformations of the wilds that are so far removed from what might be construed as the planet's backyard that it's like counting the bacteria in a petri dish and then assuming that is a fair and wholesome reflection of the surface of the kitchen table. At best, a backyard bird count scaled up to a phenomena helps to get receptive people's head out of their backside, their troubles, their routines and stretch their crippled attention span into a healthier lengthier heightened awareness mode so that they can pay some sort of tribute to another life form. We'll likely never have a Great Backyard Bear Count anytime soon. Oh, oh, oh, I know ... this is Canada, ... a Great Backyard Beaver Count! No, it don't work. My backyard may look at little wild, but it's not WILD! How many beaver could there be? Ok then, bird count it is.


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I am doing my daily counts. 

SS, I don’t have any at the moment in my backyard, but other years have had Beavers.  One year they cleaned out alot of the young trees.  We had a tornado go thru in either ‘89 or ‘90, mid October, so cleaned up the fallen trees, but just left the branches in piles to do in the spring.  Realized one day, especially the ones near the river had diminished.  What????  The beavers had taken them.  Saved us some cleanup.  It was a big poplar tree and think that is one of their favourite.  I live on the Credit river in southwest Caledon.


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Either the rim of my coffee cup has a chip in it or I'm just drooling over your location. The Credit River in paradise sounds about right. Would make an irresistible name for a park ... home of the Credit River beavers. Sounds like a sports team, or a outskirts brothel. The thing is, you couldn't actually tally beavers. There's not even a word for a group of beavers, is there? Oh, I remember now, there is a word ... a colony of beavers. The Credit River beaver colony ... now, that sounds like a cult. I'm already under their spell cuz I'm forgetting my coffee.

Bird Brain

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4 days of nothing rare or unusual and I don't report House Sparrows in low numbers - eg. 2 (1m,1f).  Years ago counted almost 900 of these birds at one location.  The following year, 0 at same location with same weather.

This year birders in Toronto were counting Bald Eagles, Great Blue Herons, Wood Ducks, etc. Wonderful sightings! 8) :)

I really miss being in Meadowvale (NW Mississauga) where the birding was excellent!  Here in downtown - not so much.   :( . I didn't count at Riverwood as there were already 3 groups counting there and they were just going to submit one large report with their total # of birds and species.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 06:44:19 AM by Bird Brain »
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".


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I had mostly the usual suspects, but had a White throate Sparrow show up a couple of the days.  One of my favourite birds!!!!

Bird Brain

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had a White throate Sparrow show up a couple of the days.  One of my favourite birds!!!!
Nice, a truly beautiful bird!  :D
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".