Odd place for Ducks, Milton
Outdoor Ontario

Odd place for Ducks, Milton


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Here in Milton we are blessed many creeks and water drainage ponds built near the latest development so I don't understand this odd Duck behaviour. This is my neighbours pool two doors down. The lady who lives next to them has been commenting on having to shoo away ducks from her in ground pool during the summer for the past 10 to 20 years.

I saw something recently about how female animal/birds pass down hereditary memories to their offspring. The info shared was about  Deer in Europe but I guess this would explain bird migration.

Napper :) Photo/image taken Mar 27, 2024

Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Very interesting. Misgentrification? Maybe its a tryst and they need somewhere private and also a touch upscale. Maybe they don't know they are ducks. There are a pair of geese down the street that have set up residence and they are there every year, completely unconcerned by pedestrians on the sidewalk, talking to themselves or holding their life-support apparatus in their hand and staring at the controls not looking where they are going ... must be hell for those two geese ... and for me ... to watch these automatons traipsing right through chez goose. So many mysteries and so little time to solve them. Thanks for posting.


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I forgot to mention it, but it would be way cooler if the Mallards had a tall drink with one of those tiny umbrellas that feature so commonly poolside while also wearing shades. That would be a real mystery. How could they ever get their large bill into a tall glass?