Rouge - March 30
Outdoor Ontario

Rouge - March 30


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Besides previously reporting the presence of both Hooded merganser, Wood ducks and Ring-necked ducks, there was an unscheduled landing of a male Common merganser. It didn't stay very long because I guess that I was not quite the reception party that it felt it deserved. After landing along the east-west waterway, for there is no other, it cruised back and forth a few times and then took off in search of more exotic realms. There was no female present, so that may have had something to do with it. The white body feathers are always hard to photograph with a Dx sensor offering limited dynamic detail so as usual I under-exposed 2/3 stop and then mined some of the shadow detail in post. Perhaps if I had been sitting and camouflaged it would have ventures closer to shore but I didn't have my foam mat, or my camo net with me and this is a tick haven so there is no way that I'm sitting directly on the tick-infested detritus.