First Wave of Invasion
Outdoor Ontario

First Wave of Invasion


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I got out at 7:30 this morning and returned to the Guildwood Inn grounds to confront the first wave of the warbler invasion. Most of them were high above me at first and my neck is not as flexible as it once was. Also, there is no point in trying to photograph a warbler from underneath with a relatively bright overcast sky as back drop. The overall light level that early in the morning on a generally dull day is struggle enough for my old camera, having to exposure compensate to the right because of the sky as background would be pointless. I'll post the few shots that I managed to get after I get a chance to offload them.

Warblers sighted included:  Nashville / Yellow-rumped / Black & White / Palm / Yellow / Black-throated Green / Ovenbird / Golden-winged

Other species included:  Eastern Towhee (M) / Winter Wren / Hermit Thrush / Blue-gray Gnatcatcher / House Wren / Ruby-crowned kinglets / White-throated sparrows / Flicker / Red-bellied WP / Pileated WP and the usual birds.

The most abundant birds were the WT sparrows, closely followed by Ruby-crowned kinglets. They were everywhere!

Brown Thrasher /