Guildwood Inn Grounds - April 30
Outdoor Ontario

Guildwood Inn Grounds - April 30


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The last day of April and another dull day. When I left at 7 a.m. the overcast was high altitude and therefore promising no rain so I sallied forth and took my chances. It did rain briefly, twice, and so I tucked my camera under my outer shell. Despite the dismal weather there were still plenty of interruptions on the grounds perfectly in synchrony with sighting something of interest. Way fewer birds than yesterday. I hung around the western edge of the grounds for a while and spotted an Ovenbird and a Carolina wren (FOY). Neither was located in a position that allowed a photo. The place was lousy with WT sparrows again. Every warbler-sized bird turned out to be just another RC kinglet. The only two warbler species I managed to identify were a couple of B&Ws and a single BT Green. Heard flicker, RBWP and Pileated WP. I was hoping to see, or hear the Blue-headed vireo again but nix on that front. I tried to photograph a Hermit thrush but she wasn't having any of it. I figured that wearing a bright red clown nose would amuse her but then I remembered that fear-of-clowns is a real thing. I think that I may be getting a reputation as being that clown with the camera.