What a difference a day makes ... 24 little hours. Yesterday socked-in fog and today full sun. Sightings this morning include: House wren / WT sparrows / WC sparrows / Chipping sparrow / Hermit thrush / Brown thrasher / Flicker / Downy WP / Hairy WP / Red-bellied WP / Red-headed WP / Pileated WP / Woody ... no, wait ... that last one wasn't by me ... Myrtle warbler / Palm warbler / BT Blue warbler / Blackburnian warbler / Baltimore oriole and the usual guaranteed birds. Surprisingly, there were no flycatchers but plenty of flies, gnats, butterflies, etc.
Blackburnian warbler
Black-throated Blue warbler
Northern Flicker
Baltimore Oriole
Red-headed Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker