Scarborough - May 4th
Outdoor Ontario

Scarborough - May 4th


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Mostly cloud shroud early on and then clearing / 14 - 15 degrees / fairly calm. Got to try out my Canon 7D Mk II for the first time this morning and what a difference compared to the old Canon T4i, although the older camera is easier to make adjustments on the fly. The 7D viewfinder is much brighter, the focus is faster and works passably well at f8 with the 2X TC attached. There were no Red-headed woodpeckers again this morning and I saw only three flicker. A Pileated WP showed up, way up, only once. I was interested in the Blue-winged warbler previously reported and I did manage to find one. Also spotted a BT Blue (twice), a Yellow (once), a Northern Parula (once) and a male C. Yellowthroat (once). A Gray catbird was singing its entire repertoire, mostly torch songs about being gray. There were more WT sparrows than yesterday and still a few White-crowned sparrow to keep them in line. Got a shot of one singing ... I think, or maybe it was reading the riot act to unruly White-throats. I think we're getting rain tomorrow.


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From this morning May 4th:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male)

Juvenile Cooper's hawk with raw squirrel

Northern parula

Black-throated blue warbler

Blue-winged warbler

« Last Edit: May 05, 2024, 07:13:23 AM by Shortsighted »


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I warned a friend  in Newcastle that Rose Breasted's would be here on May 4 or 5th and...... Like clockwork they used to show up in our yard on May 5th every year before we had to remove the huge dead ash tree in our yard :(

 Put a feeder up at cottage last week hoping to attract Grosbeaks.
You sure that hawk is a Red tail?  look closer, juvenile Coopers(lessor Goshawk) or Goshawk is more likely.....
Napper :)

added "Juvenile"
« Last Edit: May 04, 2024, 08:28:59 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Yes, you're right. What was I thinking? There was a RTH being harassed by jays and crows. Then the feeding hawk was discovered. When the brain gets addled it often fails to switch tracks because the 'points' are too dull to redirect the wheels of thought, even though the turnout switch was thrown. The train-of-thought just keeps rolling down the wrong siding at peril. Just wait, oh sage one, you'll get there too. OK, maybe not you, because you have a cottage to keep you young and agile, but us urban poor deteriorate quickly and for some, also rather tragically. Confusing hawks is but one early trivial symptom of malingering misdirection. By all means, please keep pointing it out when you see it so that I can be reminded of my failings. I wasn't being sarcastic, ... was I? That would be another early sign that it's time to leave my post on this forum. Before you know it I'll be calling a thrush a warbler, or a squirrel a chipmunk, or a Liberal a Conservative ... but wait, don't a lot of young people even get that confused? Heck, even some politicians can't quite nail it. It's good to know that you have my back. No way! That wasn't sarcasm ... honestly. I just haven't had any coffee yet and right now I could eat a squirrel head first ... chipmunk?