Yes, you're right. What was I thinking? There was a RTH being harassed by jays and crows. Then the feeding hawk was discovered. When the brain gets addled it often fails to switch tracks because the 'points' are too dull to redirect the wheels of thought, even though the turnout switch was thrown. The train-of-thought just keeps rolling down the wrong siding at peril. Just wait, oh sage one, you'll get there too. OK, maybe not you, because you have a cottage to keep you young and agile, but us urban poor deteriorate quickly and for some, also rather tragically. Confusing hawks is but one early trivial symptom of malingering misdirection. By all means, please keep pointing it out when you see it so that I can be reminded of my failings. I wasn't being sarcastic, ... was I? That would be another early sign that it's time to leave my post on this forum. Before you know it I'll be calling a thrush a warbler, or a squirrel a chipmunk, or a Liberal a Conservative ... but wait, don't a lot of young people even get that confused? Heck, even some politicians can't quite nail it. It's good to know that you have my back. No way! That wasn't sarcasm ... honestly. I just haven't had any coffee yet and right now I could eat a squirrel head first ... chipmunk?