Scarborough - May 7th
Outdoor Ontario

Scarborough - May 7th


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Again, another fine day with full sun and warm. Fewer warblers today to be seen or heard but there were some, such as FOY Am. Redstart, a BT Green, a few Myrtle (male and female), and Northern Parula. Continuing Gray catbird serenades, and a FOY Veery. Also spotted another Least flycatcher and someone else reported a Yellow-bellied flycatcher. Was hoping to find Cape May and maybe Blackburnian but that didn't pan out. Red-headed woodpecker showed up as well, but I only saw a single male. Someone reported that there were four of them but I think he was drinking and it was the same pair as before viewed through besotted double vision. I think there were more birders than birds and therefore it's time for me to move on.


Myrtle (Yellow-rumped) male

Myrtle (female)

Northern Parula

Gray Catbird

American Redstart


Red-headed Woodpecker


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Another great day for you!