Blanding's Turtles at wetland
Outdoor Ontario

Blanding's Turtles at wetland


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I found some Blanding's turtles in the Rouge and one of them, Kenneth, had a transmitter attached. After taking the shot I just had to ask ... what's the frequency Kenneth? Not that I had a receiver.

Bird Brain

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Cool!  8) .  I've only seen a Blanding's turtle once at Kariya Park out here in Mississauga 2 years ago along with lots of Red-eared Sliders. 
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".


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Nice work! I love it when someone puts an effort into something. The time will come, soon enough, when it won't be possible to put an effort into anything at all. By that time you'll likely wish you has done it when you still could. Good depth-of-field and good lighting, which is essential. Good for you!