Beaton Point - the beach - near the beach
Outdoor Ontario

Beaton Point - the beach - near the beach


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What might be a female American Golden plover

Ruddy turnstone

Ruddy turnstone after landing

Flock of Dunlin


Ruddy turnstone

Piping plover

Can't remember the call, but I think it's an Eastern wood pewee

Baltimore oriole (didn't see any Orchard orioles today)


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A few more shots from same location:

American song sparrow

Piping plover


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Seems a worthwhile trip!

Glad that you found the piping plovers.


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I haven't seen any further eBird posts about the pair of nesting Piping plovers next to Beaton Point on the L. Ontario shoreline since May 30th, the day after I arrived on the scene approaching the site from the west, against the sun.  I've since discovered that subsequent eBird posts concerning this pair of plovers were made after June 1st but only from the east side and therefore presumably approaching from Darlington PP.  I don't know if there is pedestrian access from the east side of McLoughlin Bay or if the only access is via payment of entrance fees.  Surely the Waterfront Bike Trail which passes through the park is not burdened by a toll gate.  Anyway, should someone wish to follow the nesting progress of this pair of Piping plovers it would need to be through eBird/Darlington.  Someone posted that it looked like the nest (protected by a cage) seemed abandoned, but then the next day's report stated that a plover was sitting on the nest again.  It would be great if the eggs hatch and chicks survive.  I would go more often but I'm not paying PP fees every time, which means I would need to approach from west every time.  An overcast day would be better, I guess.  I may also try the Carden Alvar if I can get my act together.  Don't really know what to expect.