Blue Flag wild iris
Outdoor Ontario

Blue Flag wild iris


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I visited Lower Reesor Pond and found it rather quiet.  There were two Pied-billed grebe way out at the middle of the pond, Rough-winged swallows flying low over the water, numerous Red-winged blackbirds (as one would expect) and a single Eastern kingbird.  I walked along the western berm and noticed ( a berm notice) quite a few fine examples of wild Blue Flag iris blooms.  Descending down along the southern edge of the pond I then also found Yellow Flag iris almost in the water.  Well now, I really didn't visit the pond in search of wild iris, did oye.  It's just that there are so many of these flowers, first blue ones and then yellow ones, and now I'm forced to desperately discover a White Flag iris so that I can surrender and give up the search.  Can I go now?

Blue Flag iris

Yellow Flag iris