Screech Owls near Brickworks
Outdoor Ontario

Screech Owls near Brickworks

dodo · 4 · 1012


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I was jogging along the Beltline Trail at 9:10 PM and I saw 4 Screech Owls in the trees beside the trail. One flew down and perched on the log fence at the side of the trail. It is the first time I have seen Screech Owls this year. The spot where I saw the owls was near a long metal footbridge  that connects the Beltline Trail to the north end of Brickworks Park.


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Thanks for sharing the info. Here is a video when I was walking my friend's dog on the trail. We passed where you saw the owl.

I may go to take a look this afternoon.  :)


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I uploaded an old video I took of a Screech Owl in that area. At the 10 second point in the video you can hear a squeaky sound they make that helps to locate them: Here is the link:  (Charline,here is video of a beaver I put on YouTube 15 years ago if you are interested:  I saw a beaver swim by in your Leslie St. Spit fight video ) 


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Thanks for sharing the videos! Great captures!

If you saw four owls, I would imagine that some were branching owlets from a nest nearby.

But I did not find any nests and I could not stay late yesterday.

I would try to go back during the week.