Lighthouse Point Trail - Killbear Park Part 2
Outdoor Ontario

Lighthouse Point Trail - Killbear Park Part 2


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Part 2 is uploaded today. Lighthouse Point has very nice beaches and few visitors.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 10:01:21 AM by Charline »


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It's very encouraging to see that the water is still clean and clear in Georgian Bay, although I understand that at Killbear it is not as prisitine due to suspended silt, at least not as you would find at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, which is not that far away as the ship's crew cruises.  I've seen video of scuba divers near Killbear and the visibility was fair at best.  I enjoyed the comic relief of you stepping in the water and therefore can't wait for the full immersion sequence, which I guess you're building up to.  I'm certain that many people's ears perk up when they discover that there is a lighthouse in the vicinity.  There is so much lore associated with these structures.  When I saw the Killbear lighthouse I was disappointed.  It's not actually a lighthouse, is it?  More of a over-sized Sonotube, painted brightly and filled with sadness.  For a location as well frequented as Killbear you would think that they could have put some effort into building an iconic, Old World style structure with character and not a cylinder that looks like it needs batteries.  I guess that I'm just a romantic and we all know they tragically die in the end.  I got to get up now cuz my butt feels kind of dead already.  Is there a Part 3?


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LOL, Georgian Bay may not be as pristine as the good old days. Then today will become one of the good old days too.  ;)

I agree that the lighthouse itself is not that interesting. At least there are other interesting features such as the orange-pink sand beach, metamorphic rock formations and islands. I did not have enough time to fully explore the area.

There will be part 3 or more at some point. I have not looked at all my clips. I will likely visit the park again at some point.


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Have you previously ever made a video of the Bruce Peninsula area, near Tobermory?  I believe that I went camping there after graduation from High School.  I needed a remote place to scream.  I recall a site with crevices and underachieving caves that managed to provide some good reverb, which makes screaming more rewarding.  I don't wish to paint myself as a connoisseur of the art of banshee but reverb is a wonderful thing.  This site had some nooks and crannies with fanciful names, such as Fat man's misery and Tall man's misery.  These impediments to further exploration did not apparently affect woman at all.  Perhaps some shared misery as sympathetic surfeit from their male companions.  Oh well, I guess that a video of that location would be just too ... miserable?  On a brighter note, I think that there is a grotto nearby and that should provide a video challenge.  I know just the right title: Groping through a Grotto.  It sounds a little unsavoury and by that measure alone it should be popular.


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I have photographed and filmed the Bruce extensively but they were not for YouTube uses. I camped near Tobermory so we could see the stars in the sky. Don't remember any screaming or howling though.