Semipalmated plover
Outdoor Ontario

Semipalmated plover


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From my visit to Beaton Point it seems that a few peeps are appearing in suitable habitat.  For the last few days the flooded beach next to the dune habitat at Ashbridges Bay/Beach has featured four species of peeps.  I decided to drop by very early this morning because there is a heat wave coming which will last at least a full week, if not longer.  There wasn't much light that early.  I walked out onto the flooded section near the dune habitat and saw nothing.  No peeps!  After walking all the way out I realized that I had left my backpack and cushion in the trunk of the car.  I had boots on so that I could walk through the flooded sections but I had nothing to sit on should I find something and want to get a shot close to sand/mud level.  On my way back to the car I spotted a single peep.  It was a Semipalmated plover bathed in soft yellow sunlight.  By the time I got to my car and retrieved my stuff and then back out onto the beach it was already much brighter.  I headed around the east end of the flooded section so that I could have the sun behind me but all to no avail.  The only peep that appeared was much later in the morning just as I was leaving.  I was too far away from it to tell what it was but someone else was taking a photo of it.  It then flew to the south end of the flooded area where several people were previously stationed and patiently waiting, all having since left.  I walked across the puddle toward it but it took of across the lake and that was the end of that.


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Early in the morning but without direct gilded sunlight.